Sunflower Clinic (Menopause and Menorrhagia)

Are you experiencing the changes that come with menopause? You’re not alone. At The Sunflower Clinic, we understand that this transformative stage of life can bring a mixture of emotions and challenges. That’s why we’re here to offer you compassionate support and comprehensive care tailored to you.

The Sunflower Clinic is dedicated to empowering people like you to take charge of your wellbeing and manage symptoms of the menopause and menorrhagia. We are based in Sutton and see patients who are registered at one of the 23 GP Practices we work with.

What do we offer?

  • Specialist advice from trained healthcare professionals about managing the menopause and menorrhagia.
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – excluding testosterone
  • Hormonal Coil fittings, removals, refits, insertions (not for the purposes of contraception)

Why Sunflower?

The name of the clinic was chosen by local community groups, as part of our outreach and engagement.

But did you know that sunflowers are also fittingly symbolic?

Vitamin E

Sunflowers are rich in vitamin E, known to reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes— a common menopause symptom.

Finding Light in Challenges

Like sunflowers, we believe that no matter how dark the day may seem, there is always light within the challenges of menopause. We hope to provide a beacon of hope, guiding patients through this transformative journey and helping them discover the positivity within.

Embracing the Beauty of Life’s Stages:

Sunflowers showcase their most beautiful moments in their final stages of life. Similarly, as we embrace the later years, we recognize the beauty and wisdom that come with experience. The Sunflower Clinic celebrates this unique and remarkable stage of life, albeit with its challenges.

About the Clinic

The Sunflower Clinic runs every Saturday AM between 10am – 2pm, from Manor Roundshaw Health Centre 6 Mollison Square, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 9DW. GPs can refer patients directly to us if they are deemed appropriate for our clinic.

Compassionate Care from Our Specialist Team: Our team of experienced healthcare professionals specializes in menopause management and is committed to your physical and emotional wellbeing. We understand the nuances of menopause symptoms and can provide personalized solutions to help alleviate discomfort, such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sleep disturbances.

“So relaxed and supportive, not rushed pressured in anyway.”

Patient Feedback

A Holistic Approach: We believe in a holistic approach to menopause care, focusing on your overall health and quality of life. Our services encompass a range of options, including coil fittings for menopause and menorrhagia, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) advice, lifestyle modifications, nutrition guidance and more.

From Lived Experience: We’ve often found in our own menopause journeys that we are treated by people without experience of the menopause, causing a disconnect and lack of understanding. Considering this, we’ve ensured that all aspects of The Sunflower Clinic are informed by those with lived experience.

Education and Empowerment: As the saying goes: Knowledge is power! Through our informative workshops and one-on-one appointments, we aim to educate and empower you to make informed decisions. We provide you with the tools and resources to navigate this stage confidently, enabling you to regain control of your body and embrace the changes with self-assurance.

84.8% of patients who attended would rate their experience in the clinic as Excellent’.

Inclusivity and Compassion: We understand that not all those who are experiencing the menopause may identify as a woman. We aim to do our best to accommodate you and provide a welcome and safe space, by asking your preferred pronouns and making any other adjustments we can. If you’d like to speak to us about access, please let us know when booking your appointment.

Take the First Step: Don’t let the menopause define you. Begin your journey towards a healthier, happier you today. Your GP will be able to advise if the Sunflower Clinic is suitable for you, so get in touch with them and ask about The Sunflower Clinic as possible option.

Upcoming Events

We will be running a webinar session about lifestyle and nutrition to support through menopause with an experienced healthcare professional. This online webinar will be free to attend. Please keep an eye on this page for further updates.

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